Guided by the comprehensiveness of our services, we offer machines for both mechanical cultivation and maintenance and cleaning of external surfaces. We offer weeders for mechanical weeding and efficient acreage maintenance, rollers for mechanical and manual work and sweeping machines with interchangeable brushes for maintaining the cleanliness of hardened outdoor surfaces. We focus on easy-to-use, efficiency and durability. The machines are designed with the operator's comfort in mind, and field-tested to the highest requirements of our customers.
Backyard weeder
It is designed for the care of yards and access roads prepared from gravel surfaces. It perfectly cares for the surfaces by shaking the gravel and pulling out any grass and weeds.

Tractor sweeper
Designed for sweeping yards and roads covered with paving stones, concrete or asphalt. Indispensable for maintaining cleanliness on the farm. Possibility of using different brushes: metal or plastic.
Brush weeder with mechanical drive
It is designed for mechanical crop maintenance. The machine is equipped with working elements in the form of polypropylene brushes. There are guards between the working sections to protect the plants from the impact of the brushes and from being buried. The main advantages of this machine are the high precision, the proximity of the brushes to the plant and the possibility of using it on different soils.
Garden roller
It is made of 2 mm thick metal sheet, from which the drum shell is rolled up, as well as of 25 and 40 figure tubes, which form the handle of the entire device. The drum is mounted on a bearing-mounted axle fixed to flat bars, which form the frame. Two strain reliefs are attached to the frame on both sides of the drum to reduce the weight of the handle, thus facilitating manual operation. Also attached to the frame is a scraper that prevents soil or other debris from sticking to the roller shell. The force with which the scraper adheres to the roller mantle is regulated by screws and springs. There is a hole in the bottom of the drum through which the roller can be loaded. The entire assembly is powder-coated, which increases durability and maintains an aesthetically pleasing appearance over the long term.
QUETERM device
It is used to control acorn mummification fungi by exposing them to a temperature of 41 oC for a minimum of 2.5 hours. In the light of current research, this method is the only effective and ecological way of protecting acorns. The originator and creator of the prototype is S. Ryder, M.Sc., Forestry Inspector of the Swierczyna Forest District. He was also the first to use this type of equipment with great success.
Fleece pin
A practical tool for fixing agro-textile fabric on agricultural fields to protect the plants. The pin is made of galvanised steel.